Here is a draft case study on how AmpleTrails helped Medanta Hospital manage attendance across multiple branches using ERP software:

The image shows a face recognition attendance machine that can also accept RFID cards as a valid form of identification. The machine has a camera and a sensor that can capture the face and the card of the user. The machine compares the face and the card with a database of registered users and records their attendance data. The machine also has a display screen that shows the user’s name, ID number, and attendance status. The image illustrates how face recognition and RFID technology can be combined to create a smart and secure attendance system.

Medanta Hospital Attendance Management Case Study


Medanta Hospital is a leading multi-specialty hospital with branches across India. Keeping track of attendance and leave for over 5000 employees across different locations was a major challenge for Medanta’s HR team. Manual attendance records and Excel sheets led to errors and made leave management and payroll processing time-consuming.

Medanta wanted to implement an integrated attendance management system that could:

The image shows four different types of attendance machines that are used to record the presence of employees or students in an organization. The first machine is a fingerprint scanner that requires the user to place their finger on a sensor to verify their identity. The second machine is a face recognition camera that captures the user’s face and compares it with a database of registered faces. The third machine is a barcode reader that scans a barcode printed on the user’s ID card or badge. The fourth machine is a RFID reader that detects a RFID tag embedded in the user’s ID card or badge. The image illustrates the variety of biometric and non-biometric technologies that can be used for attendance tracking.
  • Automatically mark the attendance of employees
  • Maintain leave records and balance
  • Generate customizable attendance reports
  • Integrate with the hospital’s ERP software

Solution Implemented

Medanta partnered with AmpleTrails to implement their web-based attendance management system Trails Attendance. The key features of the solution:

  • Biometric devices installed across all branches to mark the in/out time of employees
  • Web-based dashboard for HR to manage attendance, leave, policies, etc.
  • Automated leave allocation and balance tracking
  • Real-time attendance reports with custom filters
  • API integration with Medanta’s ERP software

The biometric devices were set up at the entrance of each branch. Employees would punch in and out by placing their finger on the device. The biometrics captured employee ID, time, and location which was synced to the centralized software.

HR managers could access the centralized dashboard to get an overview of attendance, leave, and overtime across the organization. The HRMS integration allowed data like employee details, holidays, and policies to be synced from the ERP to Trails Attendance.


  • Reduced time spent on manual attendance marking and leave tracking by 80%
  • Accurate attendance records led to error-free payroll processing
  • Real-time visibility into absenteeism and overtime across branches
  • Faster processing of leave applications and approvals
  • Analytics-driven insights from attendance data for better manpower planning

By implementing Trails Attendance, Medanta streamlined the entire employee attendance process across its branches. Automation eliminated manual work for HR and provided real-time visibility through analytics. Integration with ERP software ensured consistent and accurate data.

In summary, AmpleTrails enabled Medanta Hospital to efficiently manage attendance, leave and payroll for a large workforce distributed across multiple locations. The solution led to significant time savings, while improving payroll accuracy and providing data-driven insights.

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