Spine HRMS integration eSSL Biometric Time Attendance System

Time Attendance Software EtimeTrackLite

Time Attendance Software EtimeTrackLite

SPINE TECHNOLOGY, HRMS can take data from SQL Database which can be created by the Parallel Database.

Below are the requirements from Spine Technology.

1) One has to transfer the Daily In/Out entry of employees in “Atten” database in SQL Server (Database Name can be any) which contains the AttenInfo table.
2) This database can be created in SQL Server by restoring the attached Atten.bak data dump.
3) Some fields are to be updated with each record transferred to the AttenInfo table (Atten Database) from the Attendance System.

Solution Provided by the AmpleTrails.

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  • Automatic Download of data from Biometric Machines
  • Realtime inserting the data into the Spine Atten database
  • Data can be processed by the Spine HRMS
  • Data can be provided in the format in which Spine Technolgy require
  • Row Punches can be provided in realtime in MS SQL Database


Hardware Requirement for Integration
A server or PC is required with a minimum of 4 GB RAM and an i3 processor or above. The system should be capable of running the latest Microsoft SQL Server.

Spine HRMS is a Human Resource Management System that can be integrated with eSSL Biometric Time and Attendance System to automate the process of tracking employee attendance. The integration allows the system to pull attendance data from the eSSL biometric device and use it to update the HRMS system in real time.

The process of integrating eSSL Biometric Time and Attendance System with Spine HRMS typically involves the following steps:

  1. Connect the eSSL biometric device to the network: The eSSL device should be connected to the network using a LAN cable or WiFi so that it can communicate with the HRMS system.
  2. Configure the eSSL device: The device should be configured to communicate with the eTimetracklite software.
  3. Install the Spine HRMS integration software: The Spine HRMS integration software should be installed on the computer or server that runs the HRMS system. This software allows the HRMS system to communicate with the eSSL device.
  4. Configure the integration software: Required tables need to be created in the SQL for the integration.
  5. Test the integration: Once the integration is set up, it should be tested to ensure that the HRMS system is able to receive attendance data from the eSSL device.
Biometric Attendance Machine integration

Biometric Attendance Machine integration

Software Requirement for Integration

Some prerequisites required are in the system. Windows System with Windows 7 or above is required with dot net version 4 or above with Microsoft SQL 2008 or above is required.

For the integration of your Time Attendance Machines with the Spine HRMS or other Payroll or HRMS software do contact us by filling out the following form. You can also contact us at 09034757673, 09315441078 WhatsApp 9315441053 or email us at in**@am*********.com.

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